text advertising

There are some very old forms of free traffic methods that few people use today. These are the banner exchange, which allows people to get clicks through to their banner whenever someone clicks through to another site’s banner on your website. It’s what it says it is: a banner advertising exchange network.
On every article or ezine mailing to your opt-in list, include another line of text permitting other ezine, newsletter or website publishers to reprint your article on condition that your article is published in its entirety [if you want it that way] “AND” that your resource box remains attached to your article without any change.
video advertising is another method that is becoming very big today and it is also a free method of advertising. The search engines today rate video advertising very highly and is an easy way to gain access in the free content area on the search engines.
Car wash – this can be a profitable way to raise funds. It will need good planning – Lance Winslow’s book “How to run a successful car wash fundraiser” is free and takes you through step by step what you’ll need to do.
It’s a never-ending cycle, mind you. If you increase your site’s traffic, your page ranking will also increase; if your page rank soars, then so will your traffic. As you can see, page ranking and website traffic complement each other. Some other methods of driving more traffic to your site involves signing up with PPC (pay per click) traffic exchange programs, which are mostly free to join. Buying an expired domain name also helps, since they usually have a regular fan base established. You can also send out newsletters or an e-zine that features your site’s links at the end. Last but not least, you can just splurge on some website advertising.
If you’re new to affiliate marketing, good for you. You won’t be slow to adapt to new technology. People want to buy from someone they know, like and trust. Just like in the bricks and mortar world. Let people know who you are. You don’t have to be Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt you could be Ellen DeGeneres or Adam Sandler. Besides, video sells!
Once you’ve got people on your list and you’ve gained their trust and they like you, you are far more likely to sell to them, as I said above. Think about it, if someone came up to you in the street and tried to sell you something, chances are you may be slightly intrigued if you were interested in the niche but, more likely, since you don’t know the person and you know they are a rep for someone else that you’d carry on walking. Whereas if you had a list of people who you had given quality information to that could help them, they are much more likely to buy something from you that you recommend to them.