text advertising
Web video is popular with teenagers so do not be shocked if you see advertisements for music videos, as well as movies or Victoria Secrets pop-up when you load the program the first time.
I know that many of you are frustrated with your online advertising methods. Email advertising, PPC advertising, website advertising, and the like can all be very over whelming. A few years ago when I was new to Internet marketing, I tried everything under the sun to get people to a “name squeeze” page I had built to promote a product. I finally decided to go back to what I knew worked. Offline print advertising!
Some of them would be happy to do advertising exchange network with you. Others would be happy to endorse your products and services to their email list in exchange for some of the profits you make when you make sales.
Put prices on all of your products. If people have to contact you to find out the price of something, they will more often than not leave and look elsewhere.
Think of it this way – online video advertising can range from a 15-second music composition accompanied with images to a $50,000.00 extreme production. I’m sure that most of you reading this fall in between these two and that is who I am speaking to.
As for the stuff in the Scavenger Hunt, we kind of sit around for a month or so before the actual Hunt and think of what would be difficult, but also possible, to do. My favorite things to think of are things that sound easy and then are completely awful. Like “Swallow A Tablespoon Of Cinnamon”. Sounds easy. Go try it. Or go watch the movie and see what happens.
Use an unauthorised website if you’re planning to sell a fabulous turnkey site. These websites just might help you sell turnkey sites together with domains. When checklist on these online websites, you can quite simply find buyers for ones sites. All you have to do is spend minutes creating the advertising.